Miss Piggy is no angel - Miss Universe 'fat-shamed' by Donald Trump was accused of threatening to kill a judge and being an accomplice to a MURDER bid in her native Venezuela
Miss Piggy is no angel - Miss Universe 'fat-shamed' by Donald Trump was accused of threatening to kill a judge and being an accomplice to a MURDER bid in her native Venezuela
12:53 am
Alicia Machado, from Venezuela, was Miss Universe in 1996 when Donald Trump bought the franchise for the contest
She was spoken about at Monday night debate by Hillary Clinton who told how Donald Trump had called her 'Miss Piggy' because of weight gain
But reports from the time have surfaced which reveal questions over her background in Venezuela
Court documents in 1998 revealed she was accused of driving her boyfriend from the scene of a murder attempt - at a woman's funeral
A judge also claimed on national television that she threatened his life
Unknown if Clinton campaign vetted Machado, 39, before debate and conference call with press on Tuesday which was almost all in Spanish
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3810484/Miss-Universe-fat-shamed-Donald-Trump-accused-threatening-kill-judge-accomplice-MURDER-native-Venezuela.html#ixzz4LXxmxuk7
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