Miss Piggy is no angel - Miss Universe 'fat-shamed' by Donald Trump was accused of threatening to kill a judge and being an accomplice to a MURDER bid in her native Venezuela

  • Alicia Machado, from Venezuela, was Miss Universe in 1996 when Donald Trump bought the franchise for the contest

  • She was spoken about at Monday night debate by Hillary Clinton who told how Donald Trump had called her 'Miss Piggy' because of weight gain

  • But reports from the time have surfaced which reveal questions over her background in Venezuela

  • Court documents in 1998 revealed she was accused of driving her boyfriend from the scene of a murder attempt - at a woman's funeral

  • A judge also claimed on national television that she threatened his life 

  • Unknown if Clinton campaign vetted Machado, 39, before debate and conference call with press on Tuesday which was almost all in Spanish

  • Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3810484/Miss-Universe-fat-shamed-Donald-Trump-accused-threatening-kill-judge-accomplice-MURDER-native-Venezuela.html#ixzz4LXxmxuk7 


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